God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

~Reinhold Niebuhr



Good News for the Chemically Dependent and Those Who Love Them
Jeff VanVonderen

This book exposes the nature and process of chemical dependency, co-dependency and shame and how to help those unhappy with the effects of their own or someone else’s use of mood altering chemicals.

Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
Patrick J. Carnes

A premier work on the disorder written by the pioneer in its treatment. Helpful to both the sex addict and co-dependent realize they’re not forever destined to the disease. Addresses exploding phenomenon of cybersex. This resource points way out of shadows of sexual compulsion and into fullness of life.

Shattered Vows: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed
Debra Laaser

This book has been referred to as a survivor’s guide to the betrayed. For the reader that has a plethora of questions and is seeking knowledge. This resource will provide useful information and guidance on understanding sexual betrayal. Contains exercises, self-assessment, description of relevant support groups and interactive forms.

Affirmation Therapy

Born Only Once: The Miracle of Affirmation
Conrad Baars, M.D.

This timeless classic, Born Only Once, was inspired by a desire to make its audience aware of the syndrome of deprivation neurosis, so wide spread in our utilitarian, self-seeking culture, where the most needy and most innocent of its victims are given poor substitutes for authentic, affirming love. Born Only Once explains how affirmation is a way of being and living, which brings one real joy, fulfillment and peace. As such it is the true antidote to the many ills in our society, inasmuch as affirmation enables one to be at peace rather than endlessly pursue whatever one may perceive to be happiness. Born Only Once presents the truth about the human person and his or her fundamental psychic need for affirming love, in order to develop into a mature adult. This physically small but philosophically profound book will provide aid and hope to the many persons who so desperately desire wholeness and healing.

Feeling and Healing Your Emotions
Conrad Baars, M.D.

A Christian psychiatrist shows you how to grow to wholeness. Written in simple question and answer format, readers learn that all emotions are positive aspects of our nature and that a fully developed emotional life can strengthen one’s spiritual life. This book shows how humanistic psychology often fails to treat the whole person by ignoring the spiritual dimension. Further, it shows how the Bible is consistent with a psychology that combines findings in modern clinical psychiatry with centuries-old Christian beliefs about the body, mind and spirit.

Healing the Unaffirmed: Recognizing Emotional Deprivation Disorder
Conrad Baars, M.D.

What the unaffirmed person needs is Affirmation therapy which involves the healing of the whole person—body, mind and spirit. The discovery of this well-defined syndrome of emotional deprivation disorder is most important. The number of unaffirmed persons is increasing at an alarming rate. Recognizing emotional deprivation disorder is the first step in correcting, through affirmation, many grave individual and global ills. Authentic affirmation brings about peace, self-confidence and joy.

Made in His Image
Suzanne M. Baars

Based on a Christian understanding of the nature and dignity of the human person, this resource addresses the spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional dimensions of an individual for affirmation and one’s intrinsic need to feel loved and valued unconditionally.


Promoting a Fighting Spirit
Linda Seligman, Ph.D.

Former breast cancer survivor and therapist provides unique perspective on illness and issues related to disease recurrence.


Stages of Senior Care
Paul & Lori Hoga

An informative, complete, practical book for guiding family caregivers through the complex world of senior care.


Catechism of the Catholic Church
Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Revised in Accordance With the Official Latin Text Promulgated by Pope John Paul II

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI

In Conversation With God
Francis Fernandez

A seven volume set providing meditations for everyday of the Church’s liturgical calendar. This offering is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime as it helps you relate Christ’s message to ordinary circumstances of one’s daily life.

Praying Constantly: Bringing Your Faith To Life
Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel

God always tries to get in touch with us through the gift of our senses, the beauty of creation, and the riches of music, art and literature as a kind of celestial “call-waiting” system. The challenge is cultivating an awareness of God's loving presence by establishing and maintaining a foundation of prayer, thereby creating a framework for communication with God. See how this celebrated spirituality teacher and author uses the testimonies of Scripture and the lives of the saints through the ages to show how you can make your words and actions a vehicle of unceasing prayer that permeates everything you do.

The Love That Never Ends
J. Augustine Dinoia, Gabriel O’Donnell, Romanus Cessario, Peter J. Cameron

Authored by four Dominican priests, scholars and theologians. Cessario, Dinoia, O’Donnell and Cameron share this quintessential message and Good News which is the core of the Gospel. A key to the catechism of the Catholic Church.

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism
Bennet Kelly

The Truths of Our Catholic Faith Clearly Explained and Illustrated : With Bible Readings, Study Helps and Mass Prayers

True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
St. Louis de Montfort

This book is the classic statement on the spiritual way to Christ through Mary. Beloved by countless souls, this book sums up the Christian life, showing a way of holiness that is short, easy, secure, and perfect—a way of life chosen by Our Lord Himself, as explained here by the “Apostle Mary.” Total consecration to the Blessed Virgin as outlined in this book, can be made on any Marian Feast. One of the greatest and most celebrated books ever written about Our Lady. A classic. Praised by popes, theologians and mystics. Learn to grow more in the Marian virtues of gentleness and meekness while turning to Mary as a role model for true femininity.

What Catholics Really Believe
Karl Keating

52 Answers To Common Misconceptions About the Catholic Faith


Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families
Laura Krasny Brown & Marc Brown

Provides important topics of concern for children and a list of divorce words, as well as what they mean. A security blanket for those young readers who may be experiencing this transitional event and associated loss.

Life and Loss: A Guide to Help Grieving Children
Linda Goldman

This former teacher and guidance counselor provides over view of childhood losses, tasks of grieving and various rituals.

Love You Forever
Robert Munsch

Wonderful story book for one’s personal library of those celebrating the parent-child relationship.

The Giving Tree
Shel Silverstein

A moving parable for readers of all ages, the author offers an affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another’s capacity to love in return.

The Grieving Child
Helen Fitzgerald

A guide for parents in helping their children through the process of grief.

The Missing Piece
Shel Silverstein

A book about experiencing loss with a timeless appeal.

The Twelve Gifts of Birth
Charlene Costanzo

Discover the many gifts bestowed upon each of us. Beautifully illustrated.

When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death
Laura Krasny Brown & Marc Brown

This resource tackles children’s fears and their curiosity about the topic of death. Insightfully written and superbly illustrated, a jewel for parents to expose their children to before the actual loss presents itself.


Brian J. Gail

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, President, HLI, had this to say about the first volume of the American Tragedy in Trilogy. (Motherless sequel to be released later this year and Childless next year.) “In the Catholic novel Fatherless, author Brian J. Gail takes dead aim at the pervasive denials and chronic weaknesses that afflict men of every age, but especially men of the post-Pill generation. I think the greatest contribution of Mr. Gail’s book is the honest presentation of real-life scenarios of how much damage the Pill has caused men and their relationships with women. No one thinks that the Pill is a man’s issue, but Gail shatters that denial with his insightful rendering of the accounts of woe that follow in the train of the poison Pill. All men, not just Christians, need to read this and weep (in repentance) and then get up and make a difference in the world by taking on themselves once again the role of the virtuous man, father and warrior.”

Cultural Issues

The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement
Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell

Chronicles the current trend within American culture addressing the obsession with entitlement that is at epidemic proportion. Examines one’s inflated view of self, the absence of emotionally caring relationships, the need to constantly seek attention, treasuring material wealth and the distorted emphasis on one’s physical appearance.

Death & Dying

On Death and Dying
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Psychiatrist, M.D. and author of this ground-breaking work promoting awareness and education of this area of study.

The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & Todd Gold

While facing her own death, this world renowned healer shares the story of her life. Having taught us how to die well with the groundbreaking publication of the classic psychological study, On Death & Dying, she now offers a lesson on how to live well. An extraordinary adventure and fitting legacy of an inspiring individual.


Forgiveness is a Choice
Robert D. Enright, M.D.

Understand the power of forgiveness and how deciding to make this choice may be life changing for individuals and relationships.

Helping Clients Forgive: An Empirical Guide for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope
Robert Enright and Richard Fitzgibbons

A significant contribution to the therapeutic literature. Understand how forgiveness has been found to be integral in the process of helping clients resolve anger over past betrayals, relieve depression and anxiety, heal relationships, restore peace of mind and live a more satisfying life.

General Grief / Loss

A Grace Disguised
Jerry Sittser

Grief & Loss involving three generations due to a tragic accident. Wife, mother and daughter die in same incident.

A Grief Observed
C.S. Lewis.

Engaging and informative. Derived from experience.

Arise from Darkness: What to Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.

A guide for what to do when life doesn’t make sense.This author, psychologist and well-known priest offers rich wisdom as he draws from his years of experience in dealing with people’s problems, tragedies and “darkness.” If you’re struggling with fear, anxiety, grief & loss, hurt or anger, this book will be a source of inspiration.

How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies
Therese A. Rando

This bereavement specialist guides the reader through the pain and acceptance of loss and into a different life without forgetting one’s past.

I Believe in Love
Jean C. J. d’Elbée

A private, personal retreat based on the writings and teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux. For anyone struggling with pain, loneliness or despair. This read is all about having confidence and faith in the love of Jesus and will provide peace and joy beyond one’s expectations in a most simple way.

Life is Goodbye, Life is Hello: Grieving Well Through All Kinds of Loss
Alla Renee Bozarth, Ph.D.

Learn how to become an agent in your own healing process instead of a victim of your grief as reader discovers the art of possibility through one’s creativity and faith.

Making Sense Out Of Suffering
Peter Kreeft

A suggested read for those hungry for insight into the mystery of suffering.

Praying Our Goodbyes
Joyce Rupp

This is a book for anyone who has experienced loss, whether it be a job change, the end of a friendship, the death of a loved one, a financial struggle, a mid-life crisis or an extended illness. It is designed to help readers reflect, ritualize, and re-orient themselves—to help heal the hurts caused by goodbyes and the anxieties encountered by change.

Seven Choices: Taking the Steps to New Life after Losing Someone You Love
Elizabeth Harper Neeld

A book of hope that brings light to the unavoidable darkness after experiencing the loss of a loved one.

Tear Soup
Pat Schwiebert & Chuck DeKlyen

Marvelous illustrations. A story affirming the multitude of feelings and experiences that the bereft encounter as the main character fills her soup pot with memories. This read addresses the benefit of soup gatherings where the bereaved share their stories of laughter and tears with the understanding that it’s not bad manners to cry in your soup.

The Blessings of Brokenness: Why God Allows Us To Go Through Hard Times
Charles Stanley

Learn how after brokenness we can experience God’s greatest blessing.

The Handbook for Companioning the Mourner: Eleven Essential Principles
Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.

An approach to grief that doesn’t medicalize or pathologize the process.

The Year of Magical Thinking
Joan Didion

A memoir of the year after her husband’s death, the author recalls with candor and clarity, dealing with the usual questions of those who have lost their soul mate and the inconsolable grief while also reflecting upon their lifetime together. Simultaneously, the author is coping with their daughter’s life-threatening illness.

Walk With Me, Jesus
Ronda Chervin

Philosopher and writer Ronda Chervin offers widows a practical spiritual path that can help them attain hope and faith in God’s love and provision. Using the stories of women saints who suffered the loss of a husband, she encourages and affirms women in their new state in life whle leading them on the journey to healing and interior joy. Drawing from the themes of the Stations of the Cross, Dr. Chervin ties the sufferings of widowhood with the Passion of the Savior in a way that is both beautiful and healing. Quotes from Scripture and the saints, and prayers to help you turn your heart toward the Lord and His Mother, offer consolation and hope.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Rabbi Harold Kushner

When one’s faith is tested or you’re angry at God, this book companions individuals during those challenging times when answers seem insufficient


A Road Less Travelled
Scott Peck

Take a rewarding journey about exploring psychological and spiritual growth as you page through this timeless favorite.

Can You Drink The Cup?
Henri J.M. Nouwen

The author uses the cup, a powerful image in the human experience, a symbol used to celebrate a wide range of endeavors, as a metaphor and reflects on three images of holding, lifting and drinking to articulate the basics of one’s spiritual life.

Everyday Sacred: A Woman’s Journey Home
Sue Bender

Learn about how to receive what we’ve been given with this read. A story on how to find that which is just enough to fill one’s life each day. This author borrows the Zen monk’s begging bowl to illustrate how to understand and appreciate those small things. Recognizing each step along the journey is part of the process while embracing the miracles all around especially those hardest to see, those in ourselves.

Miracles Do Happen
Briege McKenna, O.S.C.

Become acquainted with the author’s powerful message, God’s love will heal, strengthen and enable you to find true joy because miracles do happen everyday.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Mitch Albom

Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is our life’s meaning? What happens when we die? An existential approach of sorts. The author illustrates the importance of the connections we make with others here on earth.

The God of Miracles
Michael H. Brown

In a time when individuals are searching for hope one will read about the remarkable way that miracles of every kind occur all around us.

The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
Rick Warren

Explore the life changing message of purpose by recognizing God’s plan for you while giving meaning to one’s life.

The Traveler’s Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success
Andy Andrews

An inspirational self-help resource outlining seven principles for successful living.


Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450 Year Old Company that Changed the World
Chris Lowney

How does one become a leader? Are they born or made? Author reveals leadership principles that have guided the Jesuits through self-awareness for more than 450 years and explains how these same qualities can help the reader develop into a dynamic leader in this 21st century.

Marriage & Relationships

Annulment: 100 Questions and Answers for Catholics
Peter Vere and Jacqui Rapp

The book also explains the process of submitting the appeal for an annulment to the Vatican. The authors also note the other ways a marriage can be declared invalid, such as the Pauline privilege. Perhaps what is most encouraging is that the book also presents advice on how to keep a valid marriage together. This short book would be of interest to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. It is informative and helpful to anyone wishing to know more about what an annulment is, and what the process of obtaining one is like.

Divorced. Catholic. Now What?
Lisa Duffy and Vince Frese

A valuable resource for anyone going through or contemplating divorce. A must read for any divorced Catholic.

Fireproof Your Life
Michael Catt

This book will reinforce the importance of needing to fireproof one’s marriage and love your partner unconditionally.

Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D

Co-founder of the ground-breaking Imago therapeutic approach, this book has helped couples learn how to attain a more loving, satisfying, supportive relationship.

Good News About Sex & Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching
Christopher West

The author who is an advisor and educator on issues of human sexuality, marriage and family life draws from his own life experience and theological training from the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. With his down to earth account of the reasons why the Church’s teaching on sex and marriage are true and rooted in the dignity of men and women as sexual beings made in God’s image and likeness, it will undoubtedly enhance one’s state of marriage as vocation.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
Gary Chapman

Truly connecting with your loved one comes down to one simple fact according to this noted marriage counselor. One has the ability to enhance their relationship when they know and speak their love language which is a way to express your caring and commitment. Understand how it can be learned or modified to touch the heart of the one you love.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Dr. John Gottman

Renowned marriage therapist provides framework for helping marriages be successful.


Small Steps for Catholic Moms: Think. Pray. Act. EveryDay.
Danielle Bean & Elizabeth Foss

This resource will provide spiritual inspiration for mothers in need of encouragement. Contains daily inspirational quotes or passage for reflection, short prayers and a suggested simple action mothers can do to help them live a more present, spiritually active life.

The Purpose of Boys: Helping Our Sons Find Meaning, Significance, and Direction in Their Lives
Michael Gurian

Based on the latest scientific research regarding how boys develop neurologically, this book offers an understanding of what is happening inside a boy’s brain as he grows up, from birth through early adulthood. The author offers clear practical solutions of building motivation, character and personal responsibility, providing parents, teachers and communities with tools for shaping the men of our future. Each chapter closes with suggested “Questions of Purpose” that parents can ask their sons to gain a better understanding of their natural talents, strengths, weaknesses, fears, and goals so that they are better equipped to guide them on their journeys.

Post Abortive Issues

Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
Theresa Burke with David C. Reardon

Theresa Burke, psychotherapist and founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, a post-abortion training and healing ministry serving women and couples throughout the United States and abroad and David Reardon, director of the Elliot Institute, move beyond the politics of abortion and address the emotional needs of those struggling with abortion-related feelings.

Forgiven and Set Free: A Post Abortion Bible Study for Women
Linda Cochrane

A personal, step by step, Bible study guide for those experiencing elements of regret and remorse.

Healing a Father’s Heart: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Men
Linda Cochrane and Kathy Jones

After being told “It’s not your body or decision,” men often question their right to feelings following an abortion. For men, there is often an unexplainable need to defend their masculinity causing confusion and strife in their relationships. This book is written for those wounded men wanting healing who have battle fatigue from fighting this inner war alone as they suffer in silence.

The Four Steps To Healing
Martha Shuping, M.D. and Debbie McDaniel, M.A., L.P.C.

Post-abortion healing resource.

Abby Johnson

Former Planned Parenthood director and 2008 “employee of the year” exposes what happens behind the closed doors of the abortion industry. Read about how the author explains how she went from directing an abortion facility to working for the prolife cause.


Men, Women and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility
Edward Sri

The author unpacks Karol Wojtyla's great work “Love and Responsibility“ making it accessible to every reader while emphasizing the down to earth nature of Pope John Paul's fruits of his pastoral contribution, particularly among young people. His analysis of the true meaning of human love is life-transforming and practical as it sheds light on real issues between men and women as it tells how to determine if a relationship is one of authentic love and the true meaning of friendship.

Real Love
Mary Beth Bonacci

A question and answer readable guide that addresses the details about sex, dating, healing after a shattered relationship, marriage and the struggle to live love in a world gone mad. This read offers a comprehensive catechesis of the Church’s teaching in the areas of marriage and human sexuality. The author tackles the toughest issues of premarital sex, contraception, divorce, homosexuality and pornography while offering practical advice on living the Church’s teachings. Understand how respecting God’s gift of our sexuality is the only way to find real, honest love. One of the best aids available in convincing one’s children to lead lives of chastity.

Sexual Authenticity: An Intimate Reflection on Homosexuality and Catholicism
Melinda Selmys

A resource offering the author’s deep personal understanding and experiences along with an abundance of information and research of homosexuality and Catholicism.

Theology of the Body for Beginners
Christopher West

Author conveys the essentials of Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the theology of the body in a way that many are calling a “sexual counter-revolution.”


The Temperament God Gave You
Art & Laraine Bennett

Learn how your temperament is a gift from God to perfect one’s nature. Understand how temperament influences one’s relationships with others.

The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse
Art & Laraine Bennett

Designed specially for couples and guaranteed to enhance your marital communication, intimacy and happiness. This fun-to-read resource incorporates practical psychology, real-life anecdotes and clinical experience. Learn the four kinds of spouses and which kind you married. See how one’s temperament affects the way you and your spouse work, pray, argue, socialize and express affection. Discover tips for developing the communication skills that your temperament needs most, and for nurturing them in your spouse.

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